Pixar is one of the most prominent animation studios working today with 27 feature films, 23 Academy Awards, and since the award’s inauguration in 2001, 11 Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature. The studio’s history goes back to the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm in 1979, with a spin-off as an independent corporation in 1986, before being acquired by Disney in 2006. Known for pushing the boundaries of 3D animation, notable figures within the studio such as John Lasseter, Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Lee Unkrich helped build the most successful and prestigious animation studio in film history. Today we look back through the studio’s history and legacy before looking ahead to their newest film, Inside Out 2.

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  • Theme music by Eugene Rocco Utley
  • Artwork by Danny Jarabek
  • Edited by Danny Jarabek