Space Cowboy follows the personal and professional life of Joe Jennings, a pioneer of skydiving cinematography, who looks back on creating iconic moments in film and television, while he tries to turn a dreamlike vision into reality. Danny discusses with co-directors Bryce Leavitt and Marah Strauch how they came to the story and what they valued in bringing the story to life.

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Follow our interviewee online:
Bryce Leavitt IMDbInstagram
Marah Strauch WebsiteIMDbInstagram

Follow our interview host online:
Danny Jarabek WebsiteLetterboxdInstagramXTikTok, and Linktree

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  • Theme music by Eugene Rocco Utley
  • Artwork by Danny Jarabek
  • Edited by Danny Jarabek

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The Rolling Tape is a multimedia film and entertainment outlet for podcasts, online publications, and film production. The podcast is a TRT production covering weekly film reviews, industry updates, and awards season news.

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